Pending Delivery
  1. Selection criteria for lines to display on screen:
    • openorder = true
    • openline = true
    • openrelease = true
    • plant = "BRAG"
    • CMRNumber is null
  2. Line Coloring:
    • Line will be colored red if (orderheld = true) or ((credithold = true) and (creditoverride = false))
    • Line will be colored yellow if (rectrandate is null) and (trannum is not null)
    • Line will be colored green if (trannum is null) and (qty on-hand > order qty)
    • Line will be colored black if all of the above rules fail
  3. Selection checkbox will not be displayed if:
    • qty > on-hand-qty
    • (orderheld = true) or ((credithold = true) and (creditoverride = false))
  4. Special formatting/handling rules:
    • if (trackserialnum is true) and (trannum is not null) - change qty to 1
    • if (rectrandate is null) and (trannum is not null) - hide serial number
    • if (trannum is null) and (trackserialnum is true) and (qty > 1) and (line selected for CMR) - create CMR detail for each (for example if qty 3, have to create 3 CMR details)