Available To Release and Scheduling Review
  • This reporting tool can be accessed...
    • within the Plant Portal and is listed within the left hand menu, titled "ATR and Scheduling Review"
    • within SAM Epicor under the menu titled Executive Analysis/Trackers. It is also listed under Sales Mgmt/Order Mgmt/General Operations for the Customer Care folks.
  • The purpose of this reporting tool is to give the user insite into a part's total On-Hand and Sales Order demand. Demand is represented by Scheduled, Not Scheduled and Hold Will Advise quantities. 
  • For the purpose of reporting, a part’s Available To Release (ATR) is calculated as On Hand minus Reserved/Released plus In-Transit

Image 1 is the Overall ATR & Scheduling Review Page

  • This page provides the user three data filters, Planner Code, Plant and Part. You can enter a partial part like "HL600" and the page will display all parts starting with those characters.
  • The column labels are sortable.
  • To drill down to the next page, click on the appropriate part number you want to review further.

Image 2 shows the first level of Detail and is split into two sections

  • The top section is broken down by plant and gives the user a window into a part's On Hand, what's been Reserved/Released, In-Transit and Demand (Scheduled, Not Scheduled and Hold Will Advise). Also shown is the part’s current ATR for each plant.
    • NOTE
      • The “Ship From Plant” column represents the Plant where the Sales Order Demand will be shipped from.
      • The “In-Transit” column represents the quantity “In-Transit” to the plant shown in that row.
  • The bottom section is an ATR planning tool.  Based on Sales Order Demand that has been “scheduled” by a Planner, it displays a "running" remaining ATR total as the timeline moves from Past Due into the future (Week 12+).
  • Image 3 displays the Remaining ATR Calculation for ATR Planning section.
  • Those Sales Order Line/Releases Not Scheduled or on Hold Will Advise can be listed by clicking on the Week 12+ timeline.
    • Not Scheduled means the Ship By Date on the Sales Order Line/Release states 12/31/2099
    • Hold Will Advise means the Ship By Date on the Sales Order Line/Release states 12/31/2040
  • Also displayed are Purchases Due, giving further in site into stock replenishment.
  • Further detail can be viewed by clicking on one of the Timelines. See Image 4.

Image 3 explains the Remaining ATR calculation

Image 4 display the lowest level of detail and is split into two sections

  • The first sections shows Sales Order detail.
    • This is the Sales Order demand associated with a specific Weekly timeline. This images shows Past Due.
    • Both Domestic and International Orders are displayed.
    • The In Process column tells you whether this Sale Order is still in process by Customer Care
      • A Sales Order Line/Release showing In Process with a Ship By Date of 12/31/2099 will not show on the Orders To Schedule page of the Plant Portal.
    • If the Sales Order Line/Release is to be delivered by a Service Office, transfer order information is shown.
    • Occasionally you will see a Sales Order Line/Release being shipped from plant 75 and an associated transfer order from Plant 29 to satisfy that demand.
    • The Transfer Status has the following values. "Open" means a transfer order has been created but not shipped. "In-Transit" means it has been shipped but not received. "Received" means the "to" plant has received it and that quantity is now part of the Plant’s On Hand.
  • The bottom section shows the In-Transit Pipeline
    • In-Transit Pipeline is defined as inventory transfers that have been shipped but not received by the "To Plant".
    • It includes not only transfers (associated to Sales Orders) moving out to a Service Office for delivery, but also replenishment transfers moving from plant to plant.

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