Contact for Plant Portal Security
User Security:
We are in the process of automating the requests for Plant Portal and SAM Epicor Security. Until then,
the employee's manager or supervisor must contact Robin Hopkins ( with a copy to Jon Shindollar (  This is the information needed:
  • Employee's Name
  • Employee's User ID (Typically their Active Directory Account ID)
  • Employee's Job Title & Function
  • Business Unit Name
  • Plant Location
  • Type of Security Requested
    • OEM Buyer
    • Scheduler
    • Shipping/Receiving
    • Purchasing Approver
    • Report FGI Produced.
    • Or just need access to SAM Epicor Trackers only 
Technical Security Notes:
Plant Portal Planners:
    1. Must have at least one entry on the PlantRollupSecurity table. 
    2. Must have at least one entry on the PlannerRoles table.
    3. Their UserType on the AuthorizationAccess table must be set to "PlantPortalPlanner".

Plant Portal Report Production:

  1. Must have at least one entry on the PlantRollupSecurity table. 
  2. Their UserType on the AuthorizationAccess table must be set to "PlantPortalReportProd".

Terminal Services:

  1. Their UserType on the AuthorizationAccess table must be set to "TerminalServices".
  2. The must have an entry in the AuthorizationAccessExceptions table for Epicor Commercial Sales pointing to the terminal services link.

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