Order Board Statuses
  • Invoiced 3 Months Prior
    • Based on Invoice Date and the Accounting Posted Flag
  • Invoiced 2 Months Prior
    • Based on Invoice Date and the Accounting Posted Flag
  • Invoiced 1 Month Prior
    • Based on Invoice Date and the Accounting Posted Flag
  • Invoiced MTD
    • Based on Invoice Date and the Accounting Posted Flag
  • Shipped/Delivered
    • Order has been Shipped and either isn't Invoiced or the Invoice has not been Posted.
  • Delivery Pending
    • Sales Order is being installed by Branch and related Transfer Order has been Shipped. 
    • General Transfers between plants are ignored.
  • Released for Shipment
    • Order lines are released for picking or in picked status. 
    • Does not include reserved or allocated.
  • Past Due Hold
    • Scheduled date has passed and Order is on Hold. 
    • Hold includes price hold and\or administrative hold, but not credit hold.
  • Entry In Process
    • Order is still in process of being entered or waiting for information. 
    • Includes Place-Holder parts.
  • Not Scheduled
    • Waiting on Planner to schedule the order.
  • On Hold
    • Order is on Hold. 
    • Hold includes price hold and\or administrative hold, but not credit hold.
  • Past Due Other
    • Scheduled date has passed for other reasons than above.
  • Scheduled for Current Month
    • Order Ship date is scheduled for current month.
  • Scheduled for Next Month
    • Order Ship Date is scheduled for next month.
  • Scheduled for Two Months Out
    • Order Ship Date is scheduled for two months out.
  • Scheduled for Greater Than Two Months Out
    • Order Ship Date is scheduled farther than two months out.
  • Other
    • Catch-all for anything that does not qualify for status above.